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Karen Germain

2024 Book Resolutions

Who is setting book related goals for 2024?

I always take time early in the new year to create my resolutions and they always include some book related goals. In previous years, I've focused heavily on the number of books that I want to read. I also always add the goal of reading at least one new-to-me classic novel. However, this year, I'm changing things up. I'm not going to focus on number of books and I'm not going to push myself to read more classics.

I'm going to break down my goals into specific categories.

I have three areas of books that I want to focus on.

The first is books in which I owe a commitment. These are books that I must read as part of my participation on the Reading the West bookseller committee. I will have a stack of books that I need to read between now and May-ish. I need to evaluate and rank them as part of a panel who creates a short-list for the Adult Fiction award. These books will take priority in the first part of the year. Also in this category are books that have been loaned to me. I feel pressure when loaned books and I want to get them returned asap.

The second are books that are soon to be published. This feeds into another book goal. I want to try to get one of my reviews into Indie Next. I only submitted review one last year and the book wasn't even chosen, but this year, I'm hoping to meet this goal. This means reading ARC's approximately two months before the book is published to get the review done in time for consideration. This is also helpful for my job at the bookstore, as I will be ready with recommendations for books when they are new in hardback.

Third, books that have been sitting on my TBR bookcases/carts. I don't have a pile, I have hundreds of unread books, some going back decades. I've decided to follow the social media trend of putting the names of the books into a jar and randomly picking my next read. I'm not throwing all of my TBR books into the mix, but a healthy selection of books that I'd love to read this year.

I've decided to put the slips of paper into this jar that my sister-in-law bought for me many years ago. I love it and it reminds me of both her and of England, but I've never used it for a specific purpose. She bought it for me at an artsy tea shop called the Pineapple Palace! It's Christmasy, but I have had it displayed on our curio shelf year-round.

Handmade Jar with Angel holding a Christmas Tree

I have a few other book goals for 2024. I want to start really using my cookbook collection. I didn't grow up with parents who liked to cook, so cooking and cookbooks have been something I've learned to love in my adulthood. I enjoy collecting and admiring cookbooks. I have quite a collection, but I know that I have not used many of them to their full potential. I want to spend 2024 exploring my cookbooks and perhaps giving away the ones that do not serve my needs, if any fall into this category.

The final book goal, and this is one that I have been considering for several months, I need to move away from Goodreads to a different book tracking site, one not owned by Amazon. I'm going to dedicate a longer post to this in the future, but I have been with Goodreads since the beginning, long before Amazon got involved and I've met many wonderful friends through Goodreads. It has been a heavy decision to make a switch, but one that I need to do. The idea of it is a bit daunting, but I need to sit down and figure this one out. Do you have a book tracking site that you love? I'm leaning towards Storygraph, but open to recommendations.

I'd love to hear your book goals for 2024! Happy Reading!

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